Updated: 29 Apr 2018
- 250g GF white bread flour
- 1tsp Dove's Farm quick yeast
- 50g caster sugar
- 2 tsp mixed spice
- 200ml milk
- 1 egg
- 50g currants
- 1 apple, cubed
3 tbsp apple juice
25g GF plain flour
- 15g butter
- 1 tbsp oil
3 tbsp apricot jam
Tepid water
- Put the bread flour, quick yeast, caster sugar and mixed spice into a large bowl and mix well.
- Measure the milk into a jug, add the egg and mix to a thick batter.
- Pour the batter into the mixing bowl, add the apple juice and mix well.
- Split the dough in half.
- Add the currants to one half and the apple to the other. Stir until the fruit is well combined.
- Cover and leave in a warm place to doubel in size (about 2 hours).
- In another bowl, mix together the plain flour and butter to form breadcrumbs then add drops of water to make a pastry dough. Roll the pastry between two pieces of parchment until 1mm thick and cut into 4mm strips. Set aside.
- Line a large baking tray with parchment.
- Sprinkle the oil over the dough, gently turn it once or twice int he oil then spoon out 12 piles of dough onto the prepared oven tray.
- Moisten the pastry strips with water, lay them across each pile of dough to form a cross and leave in a warm place to rise for 20 minutes.
- Pre-heat the oven to 180c. Bake the buns for 20 - 25 minutes.
- Gently heat the apricote jam, mashing any lumps, and brush it over the buns as they come out of the oven.